How to Edit Hole Information

The following tutorial shows you how to change the hole information (text) at the top of each hole map page (e.g. Par 4 353m).
Navigate to the particular hole map page you wish to edit (e.g. My Applications / App Name's Dashboard / EDIT PAGES / Hole1map.html shown in the 'Navigation Path' at the top of the page). For instructions on how to navigate to the individual page edit level, go to How to Start Editing Your App.
On the chosen page, select 'Design' (middle option at the top of the 'handset display'). Wait for the 'DESIGN TOOLBOX' to load on the left side of the screen.
On the 'Handset Display', click on the Hole Information text area (shown above) to edit the Par and Hole Distance Information for each hole.
When finished, click 'SAVE'. Repeat this process for each hole map page as required.
Text Color. You can change the text color by highlighting the required text and selecting the 'Text Colour' button in the 'DESIGN TOOLBOX' (shown above). Select the desired colour from the palette provided then click 'INSERT'.
Note: After changing the colour, the selected text may appear highlighted on the 'Handset Display'. Click 'SAVE', or click elsewhere in the Hole Information text area to remove the highlight and reveal the new text colour. Use the 'iCaddy Apps Previewer' on your device to view any changes applied. For further information, please go to How to Download the iCaddy Apps Previewer.
Font Type. You can change the font type by selecting the required text and clicking the 'Font Name' button in the 'DESIGN TOOLBOX'. A limited number of font options exist. Select the desired font from the drop-down menu then click 'INSERT'.
Note: After changing the font type, the selected text may appear highlighted on the 'Handset Display'. Click 'SAVE' or click elsewhere in the Hole Information text area to remove the highlight. Use the 'iCaddy Apps Previewer' on your device to view any changes applied. For further information, please go to How to Download the iCaddy Apps Previewer.
If you experience any problems when editing the hole information, or click elsewhere on the 'Handset Display' and cause the page layout to change in any way - DO NOT CLICK 'SAVE'. Instead, click the 'Undo' button in the 'DESIGN TOOLBOX' (shown above) to go back one step, or as many steps as required.
If the undo button appears to have no effect, do not worry. DO NOT CLICK 'SAVE', click 'DONE'.
The pop-up window shown above (or similar) will appear. Click 'Cancel', so that the page modifications are not saved.
Re-edit the page as required (per Steps 1 & 2 above) - the page will refresh the next time it is accessed from the 'EDIT PAGES' screen.